Applications for 2025 KIS Summer Camp are now OPEN! 

2025 Dates: June 30th (Monday) to August 1st (Friday)

The Summer Camp (day camp) is a program during the summer break from the main Kyoto International School program. The school is open to both current students and non-KIS students. Each year there are active, engaging, and enjoyable activities based around a theme. The students will spend the day working on projects, crafts, physical activities, and outdoor fun. Older students often take day trips to local attractions to further add value to the curriculum theme.


Monday to Friday (9 am to 3 pm)

Week 1: June 30th – July 4th
Week 2: July 7th – July 11th
Week 3: July 14th – July 18th
Week 4: July 22nd – July 25th (no class on July 21st : National holiday)
Week 5: July 28th –August 1st

Students are placed in their appropriate course according to their age.
3 years old (as of 1 Feb. 2025) to Grade 6.


<Designing our future society>

To explore how to create a sustainable and innovative future society by learning about the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the vision of the Osaka Expo 2025. Through hands-on activities and creative projects, we will discover new ways to design better cities, technology, and communities for a brighter future.


Current/Former KIS students and Saturday School students: (KISの生徒・サタデースクール含む):

  • ¥80,000/2 weeks
  • ¥110,000/3 weeks
  • ¥140,000/4 weeks
  • ¥160,000/5 weeks

Non-KIS Students: (KIS以外の生徒)(Including a Welcoming Package – 2 KIS T-shirts, notebook and a backpack):

  • ¥160,000/2 weeks
  • ¥200,000/3 weeks
  • ¥240,000/4 weeks
  • ¥280,000/5 weeks

*Minimum 2 weeks participation required*