On Monday 15 June, KIS students will return to a full school day on-campus. The key indicators are consistent to support a return to a full timetable. We will continue to maintain the timetable that has been used over the last three (3) weeks.
The following guidelines will be in use:
- ALL students (EL1-G8) will commence school at 8:30 am. Students will be allowed on campus from 8:20 am
- EL1- EL3 will be DISMISSED at 2:30 pm
- EL1- G2 students will enter and leave the campus through the Eastern Gate (See map below)
- G3-G8 students will enter and leave the campus through the Western Gate (See map below)
- ALL students will continue to enter their classrooms though Entrance 1 , 2 or 3 (this will continue as per the last three weeks)
- NOTE: The Wednesday schedule is the same as Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (See schedule below)

- Continue to wear a face mask
- Continue to submit the Self Screening tool
- Continue to wash hands as often as possible
- Continue with only drop off and pick up for all families