1. Name and Composition 

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an association of parents and teachers at Kyoto International School. The name of the association is “Kyoto International School Parent Teacher Association.” In this constitution, references to the school or KIS are to Kyoto International School. Teachers refers to all members of school staff. 

2. Objectives 

The purpose of the PTA is to foster a good working relationship between parents, teachers and the school administration for the benefit of the KIS community. The PTA is to support and assist KIS in any project that both the membership and the school administration deem useful for the school and welfare of the students and the community. We intend to accomplish this purpose by: 

● Promote open communication between parents, teachers, and school administration 

● Sponsoring programs of interest to the students, parents and teachers of KIS that continue to develop the school.

● Establish the PTA as a platform for discourse and action that continues to support the KIS community. 

  ● Provide social support for parents 

3. Commitment to Nonpartisanship 

This organization shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-profit 

● This organization shall not participate or intervene in any political party 

● This organization shall cooperate with the school to support the improvement of education 

● This organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with the welfare of the students of KIS 

4. Membership 

All parents with children enrolled in KIS and staff of KIS are members of the PTA and are encouraged to become actively involved.

5. The PTA Elected Committee 

The PTA will be administered by the PTA Elected Committee (hereafter referred to as “Committee”) of elected parents, teacher, which will consist of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer and one teacher representative. Each member of the Committee is expected to attend all PTA meetings. The teacher representative and the Principal may appoint a representative for the PTA meetings, and is able to vote by proxy. Any teacher or school parent is welcome to attend any PTA meeting. Sub-committees will be created as needed. 

5.1. The role of the Chairperson is to chair Committee meetings. The chairperson may also represent the PTA at functions and act as spokesperson for the PTA. The chairperson will be elected to a 1-year term, which can be extended to 2 years by mutual consent, staggered with the Vice Chairperson. At the end of the term, this person can run for re-election. 

5.2. The role of the Vice Chairperson is to assume the duties of the Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence and to assist the Chairperson in their duties at all other times.The Vice Chairperson will be elected to a 1-year term, which can be extended to 2 years by mutual consent, staggered with the Chairperson. At the end of the term, this person can run for re- election. 

5.3. The role of the Secretary is to prepare, in conjunction with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the agenda for the Committee meetings and distribute it to Committee members, to prepare and distribute minutes of Committee meetings, and is responsible for other records and supplies. This will be a 1-year term, with the opportunity to run for re-election. 

5.4. The role of the Treasurer is to collect and, as approved in accordance with this constitution, disburse funds, to maintain records of the collection and disbursement of funds, to prepare accounts and to present financial reports to the committee, both regularly and in respect of specific fund raising events. This will be a 1-year term, with the opportunity to run for re-election. 

5.5. The role of the Principal is to provide the PTA with insight and support to make decisions on behalf of the school administration. 

5.6. The role of the elected teacher is to provide a voice for the teachers and to share communications raised in the PTA meetings with his/her colleagues. This will be a 1-year term, with the opportunity to run for re-election. 

5.7. The Committee may appoint such sub-committees as it sees fit. The members of sub- committees may, but need not, be members of the Committee. 

6. Committee Meetings 

Committee meetings will be held once a month during term time or more frequently as needed. At least four members of the Committee, including the Chairperson or Vice Chair, a parent member of the Committee and the teacher representative, must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum. Except where this constitution requires otherwise, resolutions will be passed at committee meetings by a simple majority of those present. 

The agenda to every Committee meeting will be posted and shared to all KIS parents by the school administration in advance. As a standing item on the agenda, each Committee meeting will begin with a review and approval of the meeting minutes from the previous meeting. After approval, the minutes will be made available to the PTA members via the KIS parents portal or other adequate channels. 

At the discretion of the Chairperson, it may be appropriate to arrange for electronic voting to be used in order to canvas the opinion of the KIS PTA community. 

7. Committee Member Selection 

At the beginning of each academic year, the announcement for new elections will be communicated to the PTA members through e-mail / the school newspaper. The announcement will be agreed upon by the outgoing Committee, signed by the Chairperson, and disseminated by the KIS administration. 

The Committee will organize an open meeting at the earliest convenience, in which the new Committee will be voted in by the PTA membership. The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies as they arise during any academic year. It is advisable that members of the Committee should not serve any longer than 2 years, unless agreed to by all members of the Committee. 

All Committee members are expected to attend all Committee meetings and events, with the absence in three consecutive meetings being construed as they are no longer capable of filling the role of a Committee member (unless a valid reason is given). At the Chairperson’s discretion email communication or similar means, as well as electronic voting may be utilised instead of an in person meeting. 

8. Finance and Accounts 

8.1. A minimum balance of Yen 1 million will be maintained in the PTA bank account at all times to cover any potential amounts outstanding from events or other expenditure. 

8.2. Purchase order and/or reimbursement orders must be completed before monies are disbursed. These may be obtained from the treasurer. 

8.3. Any expenditure of up to Yen 10,000 may be sanctioned by any two Committee members (one being the Chairperson or Treasurer). See 8.4 and 8.5 for larger amounts protocols. 

8.4. Any expenditure of more than Yen 10,000 but less than Yen 100,000 may be sanctioned by the chairperson (or the treasurer) and any two other Committee members. 

8.5. Any expenditure of Yen 100,000 or more must be sanctioned at a meeting of the 

Committee with the agreement of the Principal for the item and the Business Manager (to check that the expenditure is in accordance with Japanese Financial regulations) must be signed by the chairperson (or the treasurer), the Principal and the Business Manager. 

8.6. The PTA funds are to be administered using a designated bank account and a Hanko. Departing signatories must ensure that the appropriate documentation is completed at the bank to afford transfer and sign a declaration confirming this with the School Business Manager and Principal. 

8.7. Any event or project the PTA organizes has to be signed off by the Chairperson and the Principal. PTA events are covered under the Schools liabilities insurance and therefore the school is legally accountable for any project or event run by the PTA. 

8.8 The Committee shall keep accounts with respect to all sums of money received and 

expended by the PTA. Such accounts shall be in proper form for submission, on request, to the Japanese tax authorities. The accounts will be scrutinised for accuracy and compliance at the end of each term by the School Business Manager in partnership with the Treasurer. 

9. Amending the Constitution 

This constitution may be amended at any committee meeting with approval from a majority of committee members (including those not present) with the consent of the Principal. 

10. Dissolution 

In the event of the dissolution of the PTA, any remaining funds are used to pay any outstanding bills and with the membership’s approval, spent for the benefit of the school. 

In the event of the dissolution of the school, outstanding monies are to be donated to a local charity at the discretion of the committee. 

Kyoto, September 2020 
Acting PTA Chairperson: Martin Roth 
Principal: Michael Taylor