The following questions and answers are commonly asked from families considering Kyoto International School or comparing to other schools in the Kansai region. These answers are in regards to the main school, not necessarily the Saturday School.
Where is your school located?
KIS is located in the center of Kyoto City. The school address is 317 Kitatawara-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 602-8247 (〒602-8247 京都府京都市上京区北俵町317).
What is the PYP? (Primary Years Programme – International Baccalaureate®)

The PYP (Primary Years Programme) is an inquiry-based educational framework that seeks to develop the whole child, in that it recognizes the importance of the academic, social, emotional, cultural and physical development of children from ages 3-12. The PYP curriculum framework sets high standards and has high expectations of students. While the learning of information is still a major part of the PYP program, an emphasis is placed on the process of learning and students’ awareness and understanding of how to learn. As they develop into lifelong learners, students realize that learning is about being curious, asking questions, and finding answers that lead to further questions.
The framework contains five essential elements: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and action. These elements are developed through six transdisciplinary themes that are applied across all subjects. The themes are Who we are, Where we are in place and time, How we express ourselves, How the world works, How we organize ourselves, and Sharing the Planet. Knowledge is explored from local and global perspectives within these units of study. The IB standards are aligned with best practice in education and are supported by effective teaching practices. PYP teachers collaborate in the planning of units of inquiry both as grade level teams and as a whole faculty.
The IB maintains a learner profile of specific skills that schools must develop in students at every level of IB which has a positive impact on school culture. The IB Learner Profile seeks to develop students into individuals who are inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, balanced and reflective. The goal of KIS and the IB PYP organization is to “develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.”

What is the MYP? (Middle Years Programme – International Baccalaureate®)

The MYP is a challenging framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. The MYP aims to develop active learners and internationally minded young people who can empathize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning. The programme empowers students to inquire into a wide range of issues and ideas of significance locally, nationally and globally. The result is young people who are creative, critical and reflective thinkers.
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is specially designed for the unique needs of children ages twelve to sixteen (grades 7 through 10), at a time when they need to develop exceptional learning habits, self-confidence and a thorough understanding of their academic subjects. This student-centered educational approach both embraces and transcends traditional school subjects by helping students see the connections between the academic disciplines.

How can I contact the school?
The office number is +81-75-451-1022 (from overseas) or 075-451-1022 (from within Japan).
For admissions enquiries, please send an email to or come on a tour of our school and its facilities.
What is the size of grade level?
We limit the size of our classes to a maximum of 18 students in Early Years class, 22 students in Grade 1 to 6, and 24 students in an MYP class. That said, the average class size is about 12 students in 2022-2023. Please note that class numbers and maximum may vary due to special circumstances and there is always the possibility of being on a waiting list.
What languages do you offer? Is there Japanese class?
The language of instruction is English. Educational leadership team and senior leadership team also operates in English.
Japanese classes are divided into two, kokugo (language and literature) and acquisition. Japanese language learners are placed in the Acquisition class and other in the Language and Literature class.
Is there any English as a Second Language support?
Yes, we have English as a Second Language support (EAL support) for students who require it. Additional support fees will apply.
What is the school year calendar?
We follow an international school calendar so our school year runs from mid/late August to June.
Can my child start in April or in the middle of the academic year?
Accepted students may be allowed to begin at any date within the year. The age of student will determine the grade they are placed.
Are all the teachers at KIS qualified?
Yes, trained teachers are recruited worldwide for their qualifications, expertise, and international teaching experience. In addition to being a qualified teacher, professional development workshops are provided by International Baccalaureate and in-house training.
Does KIS accept short-term students?
Yes, the school does accept students for short-term.
Does KIS have boarding facilities?
KIS is a day-school. There are no boarding facilities available.
Are there any extra-curricular or after school activities?
KIS offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities ensuring that students develop into well-rounded individuals. See our bukatsu (clubs) and lessons page for further details.

Does KIS provide transportation for students?
No, we do not. Students use the public transportation systems, or are dropped off by parents or take public transport. The school is located in the city center with a bus stop near the entrance gates.
What are the school hours?
Regular classes are 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday have an early end time at 2:30 pm. After School Activities (ASA) are also available. Administrative office is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
What are the school fees?
Please refer to the tuition page on our website for the latest school fees.
Are there any other miscellaneous expenses?
Miscellaneous expenses include lunches (optional), camps, and personal computers (bring-your-own-device for Grade 4 and up). There are also additional costs for after-school activities and additional support for EAL support (if required).

Are there any scholarships?
Scholarships are available for children of researchers or scholars who are visiting Kyoto for a finite period. Scholarships include a 30% reduction in tuition for PYP students and a 20% reduction in tuition for MYP students. 100% of all other fees must be paid.
How can I apply?
Parents or guardians must complete an online application form for each child. More details can be found at the application process page.

Is there a student or parent interview or admission assessment?
PYP students have a class visit (in-class oberservation period) with a follow-up interview where the child and parent meet with the Principal and/or the Admission Officer.
Interview, class visit, and MAP Growth assessment needs will be determined for MYP students following their initial application review.
The following chart outlines the general application review process:

Are there Japanese language classes?
Yes, all students Grade 1 and up take Japanese language classes. Japanese classes are divided in two groups, kokugo (language and literature) and acquisition.
What nationalities does the student body represent?
The student body consists of many nationalities with 50% of students have at least one parent who is a Japanese citizen.